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Death Valley Chuck-Walla

The Truth That's All

One thing the Chuck-Walla wants distinctly understood. It is going to give the straight dope on mines and mining properties throughout Nevada and California, i It will publish and keep a list of the wild-cats. Position on this list cannot be purchased for money. It will deal with the properties throughout the country, taking them one by one and giving the truth about their value, their prospects and their promoters. This is ori the level. You can buy advertising space, but you can't buy the Chuck-Walla, so if you don't want the truth known keep it down. These write-ups are to be a feature of the magazine, and when one appears you may know that it contains the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so far as it can be obtained.

In Greenwater the truth is for the most part good, and only a few of the speculators would be unwilling to have their properties or their plans exposed. There is copper ore of the highest grade to be found in quantities in many parts of the district. Much of it has already been found, and the shafts are sinking every day. Such men as Charles Schwab, W. A. Clark, Patsy Clark, August Heinze, Tom Lawson, and the Standard Oil magnates are not traveling across the desert for pleasure, and when they enter a region and put their money into a mine, they do so only after close consideration. Whatever may be the attitude of the public toward such men, it is generally conceded that they know their business, and when they have their money in a proposition it is pretty apt to be a successful one. These men have invested in Greenw'ater properties; in fact, are the largest owners, and already they are sinking shafts, building railroads and expending hundreds of thousands of dollars in the district. All this, and more, they expect to get back from the mines of Greenwater, which they are opening at such great expense. So much for the resources of Greenwater. You have the expert opinion of these kings of the mining world that Greenwater is what it says it is, and their opinion is backed by their millions.

Schwab has purchased the Jargest interest in the Greenwater-Death Valley Copper Mining Company, the company with the richest and largest holdings yet discovered. Five shafts have already been started on their properties in Greenwater. Nearly one hundred men are already employed on these properties, and five gasoline hoists with necessary machinery and appliances have been installed. All this is being done at tremendous expense, as the mines are at present fifty miles across the desert* from the nearest railroad station, and wages and living expenses for the men are at fabulous heights. A little thought will convince the most skeptical that all this means that there is something doing here.

Patsy Clark of the Furnace Creek Copper Company has one shaft down more than 300 feet, and others on his property well under way. The Saratoga and Red Boy groups, in which Tom Lawson is interested, are spending money and forcing the development as rapidly as men and machinery will allow. The South-Greenwater Company is sinking shafts and sparing no money or effort in the development of their properties. Henry Knight has shafts down on his holdings and is employing a large gang of men and purchasing expensive machinery. .Other companies, too numerous to mention, and other capitalists; who have been noted for their keenness and discernment, are placing their money and their energy into the Greenwater mines, and already results are showing. All this has weight, and shows beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is something good doing at Greenwater.

There is also something not so good. In every new mining district and mining camp there are wildcat promoters who retard the game, steal money for themselves, lose it for their investors, and give a general setback to the interests of the community. Greenwater has these. They have not as yet made themselves conspicuous, as there has been no opportunity. It's a cinch, however, that there are properties staked out in the Greenwater district which are as worthless as the stone monuments used to mark them. Relying on the reputation which the real Greenwater has obtained through right, speculators and prospectors have staked the Funeral range for fifty miles north and south of Greenwater. Some of these claims are good. If that were a possibility, the gold and diamonds of the universe could not buy the Greenwater copper. Think of a mine ioo miles long by fifty miles wide, and as deep as the earth. Of course it is impossible. In it, however, lies the opportunity of the wildcat promoter. Relying on the reputation of the mines already opened and the name of the district, he may form the wildcat company to fleece the public by getting money to develop a worthless sand heap. Such wildcat promoters are sure to come. They hang about every mining camp as buzzards about a carrion, living on what is cast off by others, and despoiling that which they cannot obtain. In the wide canyons and great peaks of the Funeral mountains is deposited many millions of dollars in copper ore. This will be mined and contribute to the good of the communityf The sand heaps will be promoted by wildcat men to the hindrance of the others.

Don't believe everything you hear abotft Greenwater. Some of it is true and some of it is not. One thing is certain. There is enough that's good to pay for your investigation. This has already been proved.

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